Starting The Journey
I'm tired today but overall I had a pretty decent day. Had a touchbase with my coach and the program director. They finally approved my funds request for my application fee so I can get things moving to enroll in school. That only took a month! I'm truly grateful for the help the program provides but it can be extrememly frustrating sometimes too. Oh well - enough complaining. Bottom line - the request was approved! Now to get all my ducks in a row... enroll in school, plan a schedule for myself and get down to business.
I have to get stable! I'm really tired of being broke. I miss having the money to get my hair and nails done, buy toiletries when they're needed and even to just get my car washed. This life of poverty is NOT the life for me. lol
Still no word from CT. I wonder if this is how things are going to be. I hope he doesn't think that he's going to ignore me all the while I'm pregnant then step in and play like he's the great wonderful and responsible Daddy. If that's his plan he can kiss my ass. The way I see it if he doesn't want to be bothered now, he can keep on keepin on and leave us be. I am SO angry at him for abandoning me like he has. I never expected this from him. It's so cold and mean. How can you treat someone you claim to love like this? Oh well... life goes on, right?
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