My Growing Gems
My babies are growing too fast... Reni is talking clearer every day and while she's not getting a lot of height to herself, she's certainly becoming quite the little lady! Ja is getting LONG. She's only 5 months and already she's almost to tall for her bassinet and trying to drink from my cups!
I just finished peeking in on each of them and giving them their goodnight kisses before I go to sleep. As I was doing so, I got a huge wave of pride over me. I am on welfare, in school and volunteering and I don't have the help or support of either of their fathers, yet my babies don't want for anything! GOD has blessed us so completely! We have more clothes than I can keep up with washing, my girls have toys that are still in the box from Christmas, we have cupboards full of food and besides the girls' diarreah and constipation issues, they are perfectly healthy and strikingly beautiful. I am SO proud.
Some days I feel like the stress is too much to bear and I wonder if all the struggling is really worth it but then I look into their big curious, happy and sparkling eyes and I remember that it's more than woth it. My babies deserve nothing but the best which demands that I be the best that I can be and put forth my 200%.
My gems are growing fast and I'm loving every minute if it. I can't wait until me and my girls are hanging out on the beach at some 5 star resort in the Islands somewhere!